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Young Cheerleaders Win All Out National Championships

Excel Athletics Force All-Star Cheerleading team won the All Out National Championships which took place recently in Orlando, Florida at Shingle Creek Resort. Force, a Minis all-star team consisting of girls ages 6 to 9 years old, competed against 7 teams and were awarded with the National Championship award, rings and a banner to hang in their gym. The competition took place on Saturday and Sunday.

Excel Athletics, Inc. is an all-star cheerleading gym located in Winter Haven and includes some students from Lake Wales. They offer tumbling classes, private lessons, ninja classes, competitive cheerleading and cheer prep classes. Excel Athletics currently has three competitive cheer teams, Force (Minis, Level 1 D2), Fury (Youth, Level 1 D2) and Flash (Juniors, Level 3 D2). Several Lake Wales residents are on both the Minis and Youth competition teams.

For more information please contact Kathy Parnell at [email protected]


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