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Lake Wales' Economic Development to be Topic For Noted Economist

Joe Minicozzi Will Host Public Webinar to Discuss Opportunities

Noted Economist Joe Minicozzi will introduce a variety of economic opportunities that are becoming available to residents, property and business owners, and city governments as a result of an approaching wave of growth in the area.

Minicozzi, a partner of the Urban3 planning firm, will share the "Dollars and Sense" of good planning as a part of the ongoing Lake Wales Envisioned planning effort.

Minicozzi is well-known for his economic insights into the drivers of property values and their impact on urban economies. He has hosted numerous presentations, as well as Ted Talks on the topic.

An opening "Best Practices Symposium" on Monday drew a packed house at Bok Tower Garden's theatre to hear from planners and developers who shared ways to create maximum value from growth while creating highly-desirable, walkable neighborhoods. The planning process is being led by the firm of Dover Kohl & Partners, which created the award-winning Lake Wales Connected plan for the city's urban core. Construction was begun in early March for a project that will eventually transform more than twenty blocks of streets to create a leafy and attractive environment.

Minicozzi will present the webinar beginning at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, August 29. Pre-registration is available by clicking here.

The Lake Wales Envisioned process may be the areas' best opportunity to direct growth patterns and housing types while addressing the needs for parks, conservation lands, and mobility planning before a wave of growth changes Lake Wales forever. Registration for the webinar is also available to all by clicking the photo above.


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