Communication Builds Our Community

Envisioned "Complete Streets" Zoom Presentation Happens Thursday

Program Will Address Opportunities to Avoid Traffic-Clogged Future

A special on-line discussion on "Complete Streets and Mobility" with nationally-recognized transportation expert Wade Walker will be offered to area residents Thursday at 4:00 pm. The presentation is part of the Lake Wales Envisioned effort to reshape and redirect the future of growth and development in Lake Wales.

The Envisioned effort is addressing multiple facets of that challenge. Another recent presentation focused on what is being described as "the big green network" that includes wildlife corridors and wild habitat lands that will be protected as the city grows. Other aspects deal with traditional neighborhood designs featuring rear garages and park-like streets.

The Lake Wales Envisioned project has attracted a host of local, state-wide and national organizations who have become co-sponsors or supporters of the project, which is expected to become a model for communities seeking to design their own futures.

Complete streets describes a design that accommodates other forms of movement than cars, allowing residents to avoid becoming part of a gridlocked, motorized transportation network. Complete streets typically feature sidewalks, and frequently bike lanes or separate bike tracks. They are developed in interconnected neighborhoods to allow access to commercial services and parks, and designed to disperse traffic within and between developments, rather than funnel it onto crowded arteries.

Those interested are invited to register for this Thursday's zoom session and learn how better streets can make life easier for residents of Lake Wales by clicking on the registration link. Preregistration will assure that a sign-in link is sent to the registrant's email address.


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