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Two Forums Offer Voters Insight into City Election Choices

March 4 and 6 Events Are Open to All Voters

Voters will have two chances next week to see and hear incumbents and candidates for seats on the Lake Wales City Commission air their views and positions on a wide variety of topics during two candidate forums. Events are planned for both Monday and Wednesday evenings, March 4 and March 6, giving registered voters within city limits extra opportunity to become informed.

Five candidates will vie for two seats on the commission in the April 2 vote. Although candidates must live within their defined districts, all voters in the city are eligible to vote in both races. Voters wishing to vote by mail still have a few days to request that absentee ballot, as the deadline is 30 days prior the the election day.

In the race for Seat2 , incumbent commissioner Daniel Williams will face two challengers, Brandon Alvarado and Crystal Higbee. Williams was elected in 2001, representing neighborhoods around the northeastern portions of Lake Wailes.

In the Seat 4 race, Carol Gillespie will challenge incumbent Danny Krueger. Both candidates are residents of Lake Ashton.

The first event, sponsored by the American Association of University Women and the Greater Federation Woman's Club of Lake Wales, will take place on Monday between 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. at the Woman's Club Auditorium at 275 East Park Avenue, downtown. According to a press release regarding the program, "candidates for the April 2nd City election will give overviews of their backgrounds and platforms. Each candidate will answer questions given to them by the organizations' Forum Committees, followed by questions from the audience. All candidates have been invited to attend."

The second forum will be sponsored by the Lake Wales Area Chamber of Commerce & EDC, and will happen at the Lake Wales Arts Center. That event will run between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Wednesday. The Arts Center is located at 1099 SR 60 East in Lake Wales.

No reservations are required for either event.


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