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Travel Lanes to Shift Again on US 27

Construction of New Interchange Proceeding on Schedule

Travelers on US 27 should be aware that there will be new traffic shifts on US 27 northbound at the construction site at SR 60.

Motorists should expect an outside lane closure on northbound US 27 near the intersection, while crews place drainage and pour concrete in the area.

On Sunday, April 2, traffic will be shifted onto the new concrete pavement to allow construction of the permanent northbound lanes. Motorists should use caution in the area and watch for workers in the construction zone.

Crews have already replaced the bridges carrying SR 60 over US 27, although only two lanes of the new twin three-lane bridges are open so far. The work is being performed to replace the former obsolete bridges and convert the interchange from a partial cloverleaf design to a "Single Point Urban Interchange."

The new configuration will feature a single traffic signal located beneath the new bridges which will allow for the left-turning movements between the two highways.

Other improvements include the widening of the roadways from four lanes to six 11-foot lanes, adding bicycle lanes, curbs and gutters, a closed drainage system, and six-foot-wide sidewalks. Crews have also constructed an urban frontage road in the southwest quadrant along SR 60 for access to local businesses.

The project also includes construction of a noise wall along SR 60 from South Miami Street to west of Sharp Street, resurfacing Central Avenue from west of US 27 to Miami Street, installing the new signals, street lighting, signage and final pavement markings on US 27 and SR 60.

Daytime and nighttime lane closures will occur periodically on US 27 and SR 60 during construction. The $45 million bridge project will continue toward a completion date of 2025 before finishing touches are in place. Before that time, construction is expected to begin on the widening of US 27 south of Lake Wales from four to six lanes from SR 60 to the Highlands County line.


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Rendered 09/10/2024 14:29